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Staying Healthy at Work: 4 Steps to Improve Your Health & Wellness

Many businesses have health and wellness programs in place to encourage their employees to lead healthy lifestyles. However, even those who eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly can be at risk of developing health issues related to the workplace. Below are habits you should break and suggestions for staying healthy at work.

Tips for Staying Healthy at Work

1. Get moving.

Sitting for extended periods of time, as most do in office settings, can result in a number of serious health consequences. Consider switching to a standing desk or stability ball chair. Incorporate a few “deskercises” into your daily routine, or block off time during your lunch hour for a walk or quick work out. Most importantly, be sure you’re getting the recommended amount of physical activity each week outside of work hours.

2. Relax and recharge.Staying Healthy at Work

Chronic stress is linked to mental health issues (such as anxiety and depression), digestive problems, headaches, weight gain and many other negative effects on an individual’s health and wellness. Meditation, exercise and listening to music are a few quick fixes. Also, don’t be afraid to use your vacation time. Taking a few days off is a great way to recharge, and can actually make you more productive.

If you feel overwhelmed by your stress or believe you may be suffering from depression, seek assistance from a qualified mental health professional.

3. Eat smart.

Break the habit of heading for the office vending machine every time hunger strikes. Reduce the temptation by storing a few healthier snack options at your desk, and replace your regular pop, juice or sugary coffee drink with water. Keep in mind that it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Be aware of your portions even when snacking on nutritious foods. Packing a balanced lunch each day is another great way to improve your eating habits, and may even help you save money.

4. Keep it clean.

Wash your hands often and try not to make contact with surfaces and items frequently touched by other employees. Disinfect all of your work surfaces on a regular basis, including your cell phone. In the event that you become ill despite these efforts stay home until your symptoms subside. If you don’t have any available sick time, do your best to prevent the spread of germs by covering your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze. Have a coworker who chooses to ignore this advice? It’s probably best to avoid them while they’re exhibiting symptoms.

Following these tips and taking advantage of any programs offered by your employer can improve your well-being and even increase your job satisfaction. What are your best tips for staying healthy at work? Tell us in the comments!