
Understanding auto accident case terms: asymptomatic vs. symptomatic

By William J. Price Terms used to describe injuries in auto accident cases can be hard for those outside of the legal profession to understand. One common example of this challenge is the difference between "asymptomatic" and "symptomatic" injuries. This concept is rarely discussed in everyday life but is a very important factor in...

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How do I document my struggle to recover from an auto accident?

By William J. Price After an auto accident, a jury can decide to compensate you for both the injuries you suffered in the crash and the struggles you experienced throughout your recovery.  Many clients face the same problem at trial: you look healthy and happy, you're back to work, and you can do all...

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How to document your recovery after a car crash

  By William J. Price Many car crash victims suffer serious injuries that prevent them from caring for themselves and their families or doing the things they love. Whether these struggles will last for months or a lifetime, documenting the recovery period can be an important step toward building the foundation of a case. A...

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